I’m making a system to measure the temperature into a chamber and I’m looking for a system to send alerts to different people depending on the temp.
For example if the temp is 0, the alert is RED and has to be alerted from CEO to the chamber personnel. if its between 0 and -2 only the director and the chamber people, and if it’s between -2 and -5 only the personnel
I’m looking for a system as IFTTT but I think it’s to expensive 199 per month.
Did you know any system to alert via SMS or Email, etc? thank’s
I think that's the cost when you want to create a product with which users can use IFTTT. Basically what Particle has done by enabling us to hook up into IFTTT. Your use-case doesn't require that much, though I'm not sure what the costs are (if any) for commercial usage of existing services on their platform. Try reaching out to them?
As for email/text, there are various solutions out there. Twilio for one allows for easy text messages, though an Electron could do that natively with a 3rd party SIM. As for email, there's an almost limitless amount of options, ranging from setting up a tiny server, to 3rd party integrations.