Hi there,
How might I go about changing an internal variable (in this case publish rate) based on the geofence section defined in the config on particle console. as far as i can tell i have defined my geofence but it doesnt seem to do anything when i enter a zone.
It is possible for a device to manually publish events between scheduled publishes. However, the geofencing feature is run from the cloud, not on device. The device won't know that it's outside the geofence zone, unless it subscribes to the enter/leave events. You could do that, then manually increase the publish rate from the device.
You could also use something like Logic to respond to the the exit event, then modify the device configuration. The problem is that the publish rate is generally fleet-wide, so it would require that the device was a development device to allow that to be overridden on a per-device level.
Yeah I would just have the geofence cloud logic trigger one of my particle functions which can already change the publish rate (I manually publish so this is just a variable timing)