Just created a new app in web IDE and went to include a private library. I added it just fine but noticed the names have changed and the Library name does not match the files which generates an error upon compile.
Library name was OB_LED_Flasher_IV, new name is OB_LED_Flasher_IV_300c
Compile error:
#include <OB_LED_Flasher_IV_300c.h>```
Also - due to info pop-up over the delete button on library, I cannot delete/remove the library from the app because it covers the x-circle.
<img src="//cdck-file-uploads-us1.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/flex026/uploads/particle/original/2X/3/39eaaf4d6deffdb379c8d6836262adf45e8fe8b1.jpg" width="517" height="394">
I tried clearing cache (Mozilla) and also different browser (Chrome) with same result.
Further - I can no longer find the add library button to try and re-import it.
I’m having the same issue - the tool tip is blocking the remove icon
I also can’t add the libraries back in, they appear in the left menu as ‘included’ but none of the file tabs show up.
Honestly - the rubbish library management, rework and pain is almost about to kill our work with the Particle platform - every time we go to do a rebuild the libraries sh*t themselves.
Hey folks – sorry we let this bug languish for so long. We should be deploying a fix for this problem in the next week or so. @stefanmoraru will update this thread when it’s deployed.
That is - and always was - the case with imported libraries. They never showed up as seperate file tabs.
And as asked in your other - parallel - post: What system version are you targeting?
Reporting misbehaviour is OK, but adding important info to nail down the cause would also be good.