I’ve been working on building a small robot that runs two motors, 2 rgb, leds, a speaker, and and IR receiver. I got everything tested out and it was working fine on the breadboard. I got it all soldered into a compact pcb and mounted it into a 3D printed casing.
Now after I charge my LiPo battery powering the Photon, then turn the Photon on to connect to the WiFi, all I get is the constant blinking of the Red LED. I can’t put it into safe mode (hold setup press reset) for whenever I try, it goes back into the SOS.
I’ve removed the LiPo battery and tried running it through a USB connection and still.
I can get into the DFU mode (flashing yellow) by holding setup for a while after touching the reset. Once in DFU mode I can’t do anything. My computer recognizes the device connected to COM12 in the device manager but I can’t run particle update
or flash it through the CLI.
I’ve removed the LiPo battery and tried running it through a USB connection and still.
Please help me out, I’m trying to get this to work without having to replace the Photon because it’s completely soldered inside my PCB and I need to get this to work soon. From my guess I think the SOS mode is for a firmware crash, but here is a Gif of the LED: