Photons breathing cyan but offline

My coworker took one of the devices home last night and set it up on her home network. When I woke up this morning, that device was displayed as online on my phone app, and the 14 back at the office were displayed as offline. So I think it’s likely that there is something about her work network that is causing the devices to display as offline.

To answer some of your other questions:
The device that she put tinker on last night, but kept at her office, is still displaying as offline. So I don’t think my code is the culprit. But for what it’s worth, in my code loop() returns immediately most of the time. Every 15 seconds, it runs for at most a second or two.

I’m not able to call Particle.functions() from where I am, outside her network.

Yesterday we tried firmware built against 0.4.5 and 0.4.1, with no luck. (upgraded the firmware over serial with the CLI)

When she gets to work (west coast), we will try:

  1. Get her IT to open up as per this thread.
  2. See if she can call Particle.functions() from within her network.
  3. See if the devices send the connected event on power cycle.
  4. Try loading firmware built against 0.4.6.

Thanks for all the suggestions!

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