Photon stoppted to work after update firmware to v1.4.0

Hello again with another crazy issue! :smile:

I am trying to think that this is something that could be solved, but it looks totally different than something with a happy solution is guess ?

I was working with Particle Workbench in my Visual Studio Code. I got a notification to install particle new dependencies, I installed them and I realized that there’s a new firmware version v1.4.0 available.

So I decided to put my photon in to DFU Mode and then I typed >Particle: Flash application (local) in the commands from visual studio code with the new firmware version selected v1.4.0

Since this is a process that I’ve made so many times, I did not even check out how was the initial output or something in terms of any led lights from the particle. I checked some few things on my browser after get back to my photon, I looked that the terminal output was a successfull flash but… I realized that the photon has no any LED turned on while it’s connected to my laptop. :hot_face:

I tried to unplug and plug again the particle photon, but all it does is simply to blink one time a white LED light and then it turns off and nothing else happens. My device is not even detected by the device manager from windows 10 tools.

I also don’t get any response when I use particle serial identify and particle doctor. It simply says that there’s no port detected.

I also tried to reinstall the particle cli but it doesn’t work. Should I consider to buy another one since this could be broke?

I’d try reflashing in DFU mode both DeviceOS and the bootloader.

Hey thanks for your reply @picsil

I was in panic but after reading about how the bootloaders work here Particle boot loaders and your suggestion…

I decided to try to put my device into safe mode and tried to update my bootloader and firmware version into the last one v1.4.0 with an example code.

Everything works now! :grin:

Awesome news @fabocode. Glad you got it working.

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