Hi everyone again.
Thanks to everyone’s help I’ve solved my issue! Many thanks all. Here is my full story of woe:
- accidentally reduced power to my functioning photon - a brown-out. Resulted in failure to respond
- wouldn’t boot in safe mode. Every time I restarted it it did the flashing cyan with dash of red now and then
- from that mode I was able to reset into either listening or dfu mode fine
- in listening mode I couldn’t get it to reconnect to wifi using the phone app as it would fail at the last stage
- tried connecting to Windows PC with serial cable. Wouldn’t get recognised as a USB device in any mode
- tried connecting to macbook. Wouldn;t get recognised as a USB device
- tried again using different USB cable. Both machines again failed to recognise it
- tried again with a third cable. It got recognised as a USB device! Could connect to it in listening mode, and tried setting wifi with ‘particle serial wifi’
- STILL wouldn’t connect to wifi
- tried the particle keys doctor. Reported back that DFU device was not found
- help from above ^ told me that dfu needs a differenet driver than the listening mode driver
- got DFU driver using this link: Tutorial: Installing DFU-Driver on Windows [24 Feb 2015] which meant installing Zadig
- tried keys doctor again. Now reporting that OpenSSL isn’t available
- installed openSSL as per this link :Tutorial: Particle-cli on Windows [07 Jun 2015]
- still couldn’t find openssl. Found a post that mentioned the installation doesn;t add it to the path.
- tried going into the openssl\bin directory and running the particle doctor thing from there.
- it worked! And I am happy once more.
Thanks again all - for both the help and the patience. One day I’ll know what I’m doing…