Photon doesn´t connect to cloud

I have tryed connecting photon both by phone and by USB and it´s OK, but it end up not connecting to the cloud. It end up flashing chyan fast - in beginning sometimes with red inbetween. After that I run particle doctor. It says “system firmware update” OK and “Flashing the Device Doctor app” OK but when it comes to “Select antenne” it says “The Doctor didm´t complete succesfully, undefined”. I have tryed both internal and external antenne settings. I be so glad if enyone can help me further.

Put the Photon into Listening mode (blinking blue) by holding down SETUP until it blinks blue. Then issue the CLI command:

particle serial identify

Save the Device ID; you’ll need it later.

Then put the Photon in DFU mode by holding down both the RESET and SETUP buttons, releasing RESET and continuing to hold down SETUP until it blinks yellow and issue the commands below, in order.

particle keys server
particle keys doctor YOUR_DEVICE_ID

If you get this error under Windows:

'openssl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

and you have used the CLI installer as described above, it may work if you do:

cd c:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin
particle keys doctor YOUR_DEVICE_ID

There are additional tips for a missing openssl error on this page, including tips for Mac OS X and Linux.

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Thank you so much. I am back on line again.

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