Photon Bricked?

It looks to me like you have a keys issue (fast blinking cyan to red flashes, repeating) on the one in the video.

Do you have the Particle CLI installed?

If you are using Windows, I recommend using the new Windows CLI installer:

For Mac and Linux, follow these instructions instead:

The first thing will be to do is put the Photon in DFU mode (blinking yellow) by holding down RESET and SETUP, releasing RESET and continuing to hold down SETUP while it blinks magenta until it blinks yellow, then release SETUP. Then issue the CLI command:

particle keys doctor

The next step is to refresh the server public key, just in case:

With the Photon in DFU mode (blinking yellow):

particle keys server cloud_public.der

Reset the Photon. This should hopefully get you to breathing cyan.