Photon After passing credentials via usb returns to Blinking Blue

Hi All,

So the above pretty much describes it other than I am building with the develop branch and this is happening when I am only running tinker, though I believe the problem also exists when I flash my user code.

I am quite baffled by this any ideas?

Can you place the Photon in listening mode, open up a serial terminal, hit “s” and paste the output here?

Hi @kennethlimcp thanks for the response.

It seems like the problem has gone away after rebooting my pc & router. I think the problem is the the router was the culprit.

Not that is matters too much at this point but I figured I would answer your question to see if it brings up some issue.

So I just grabbed a fresh unopened Photon when I type s to the response I get

modular: no 

If I take one of the device that I have updated with system part 1 & 2 built with the develop branch as well as tinker built also against the develop branch I get

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You can consider updating the system firmware to V0.4.3 and Serial will be working without you worrying :smile:

Once in listening mode and having been given credentials, the Photon will revert back to listening mode if it cannot connect to WiFi using the credentials given.

@mdma How can I stop this. It is a big problem for us as we shut off our device if credentials are not sent over before a timeout. What we would want to do in that case is to go to sleep and hope that the AP is there when we wake back up.

Please try this:

  • add a handler for the system event wifi_listen_end - this signifies that listening is about to finish.
  • in the handler, call WiFi.listen(false) which will force listening to end manually and not revert back to listening mode if the connection isn’t successful.


@mdma I just reread your original comment again. Maybe I misunderstood you.

Once in listening mode and having been given credentials, the Photon
will revert back to listening mode if it cannot connect to WiFi using
the credentials given.

With my product we make use of DEEP SLEEP mode if the device wakes up and cannot connect to the AP even though it has credentials is there any chance it will enter listening mode or is reentering listening mode only possible on a cycle where listening mode had been started because of lack of credentials or that the user code initiated the first entry into listening mode.

If it has credentials, it won’t enter listening mode automatically. You’d have to press the setup button or call WiFi.listen()

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This is confirmed in 0.4.4 - a workaround is posted here -

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