We recently ordered 120 Photon Kits from your company.
Our goal was to run a workshop here in Israel to create a TV-B-Gone devices.
TV-B-Gone is an open source project that uses ATMEGA mcu to send IR codes that turns off most TVs.
We looked at the following examples, but was not successful in porting the Arduino code to Photon.
https://learn.adafruit.com/flora-tv-b-gone (Original code for
Arduino) -
https://www.hackster.io/vanmyers/tv-b-glove-e1f728 (Photon
based TV-B-Gone project ported code attached as zip) - Photon: Sending Infrared remote control signals
- https://www.analysir.com/blog/2015/09/01/simple-infrared-pwm-on-arduino-part-3-hex-ir-signals/
I will appreciate your technical help here, since failing to run this code on the photon will force me into sending back the entire order.
Thasnk you in advance