Particle Photon Flashing Cyan and Red. (or sometimes just Cyan) [SOLVED]

Adding “Particle Keys Server” was the solution! Thanks very much!

Here’s the total solution that worked for me:

  1. Install Particle CLI on my computer (command line interface) link
  2. Connect the Photon to my computer via USB
  3. Open a “command prompt” window on my windows computer. (type “command prompt” into the start menu search box)
  4. Navigate to the directory C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin> (by typing “cd C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin”)
  5. Place the Photon device in Listening mode (blinking blue) (by pressing the setup button for 3 seconds)
  6. Enter “particle serial identify” into the command prompt window (to get the device ID)
  7. Place the device in DFU mode (blinking yellow)
    (Hold down BOTH buttons; Release only the RESET button, while holding down the SETUP button;
    Wait for the LED to start flashing yellow (it will flash magenta first);Release the SETUP button)
  8. Enter “particle keys doctor <DEVICE_ID>”. (replace <DEVICE_ID> with the ID from step 6.)
  9. Enter “particle keys server” into the command prompt window.
  10. hit the Reset button and the Photon should connect properly

That fixed it for me. Thanks for saving my Photon!