P2 unstable on WiFi with Particle Ethernet Featherwing

I have a Photon2 running 5.5.0 connected via WiFi, flashed with an empty loop, and it stays connected without issue.
If I plug it into a Particle Ethernet Featherwing (no code changed or setup changes), the Photon2 drops the cloud connection often (every 2-5 minutes).
Here are the logs, what is causing this?

NFO: WiFi on
0000001899 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: promisc_deinit TODO
0000001904 [hal] INFO: WiFi off
0000001907 [system.nm] INFO: State changed: NONE -> DISABLED
0000001912 [system.nm] TRACE: Interface 4 power state: 1
0000001917 [system.nm] TRACE: Interface 3 power state: 2
0000001944 [comm] INFO: channel inited
0000001952 [system.nm] INFO: State changed: DISABLED -> IFACE_DOWN
0000002113 [system.nm] INFO: State changed: IFACE_DOWN -> IFACE_REQUEST_UP
0000002298 [net.ifapi] INFO: Netif wl3 state UP
0000002309 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP event 3
0000002311 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP power state changed: IF_POWER_STATE_POWERING_UP
0000002309 [system.nm] INFO: State changed: IFACE_REQUEST_UP -> IFACE_UP
0000002322 [system.nm] TRACE: Interface 4 power state changed: 4
0000002330 [net.ifapi] INFO: Netif en2 state UP
0000002334 [hal] INFO: rltk_wlan_set_netif_info: 0, 94:94:4a:04:08:98
0000002702 [net.en] TRACE: Closed MACRAW socket
0000002754 [net.en] TRACE: Opened MACRAW socket, err = 0
0000002767 [net.en] INFO: Link up
0000002768 [net.ifapi] INFO: Netif en2 link UP, profile=NONE
0000002771 [system.nm] INFO: State changed: IFACE_UP -> IFACE_LINK_UP
0000002824 [hal] INFO: WiFi on
0000002826 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP event 3
0000002827 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP power state changed: IF_POWER_STATE_UP
0000002828 [system.nm] TRACE: Interface 4 power state changed: 2
0000002829 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: rltkOff
0000003388 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: promisc_deinit TODO
0000003390 [hal] INFO: WiFi off
0000003391 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: rltkOff done
0000003392 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP event 3
0000003393 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP power state changed: IF_POWER_STATE_DOWN
0000003395 [system.nm] TRACE: Interface 4 power state changed: 1
0000003422 [hal] INFO: rltk_wlan_set_netif_info: 0, 94:94:4a:04:08:98
0000003438 [hal] INFO: DNS server list changed
0000003440 [net.ifapi] TRACE: Netif en2 ipv4 configuration changed
0000003449 [system.nm] INFO: State changed: IFACE_LINK_UP -> IP_CONFIGURED
0000003834 [system] INFO: Cloud: connecting
0000003995 [hal] INFO: WiFi on
0000004033 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP event 3
0000004034 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP power state changed: IF_POWER_STATE_UP
0000004049 [system.nm] TRACE: Interface 4 power state changed: 2
0000004053 [ncp.rltk.client] TRACE: NCP state changed: 1
0000004058 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP event 1
0000004074 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: Try to connect to ssid: FBIvan1
0000004086 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: is_promisc_enabled
0000004100 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000005130 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$id.udp.particle.io
0000006550 [system] INFO: Loaded cloud server address and port from session data
0000008037 [system] TRACE: Address type: 1
0000008825 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, family=2, type=2, protocol=17
0000010233 [system] INFO: Cloud socket=0, connecting to
0000011201 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, connected to
0000012157 [system] TRACE: Updating cloud keepalive for AF_INET: 25000 -> 25000
0000013179 [system] TRACE: Applying new keepalive interval now
0000014022 [system] INFO: Cloud socket connected
0000014646 [system] INFO: Starting handshake: presense_announce=0
0000015830 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Establish secure connection
0000018671 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000018686 [comm.dtls] INFO: session has 0 uses
0000018944 [comm.dtls] INFO: (CMPL,RENEG,NO_SESS,ERR) restoreStatus=0
0000019136 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000019146 [comm.dtls] INFO: out_ctr 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,38, next_coap_id=20
0000019309 [ncp.rltk.client] TRACE: NCP connection state changed: 2
0000019317 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP event 2
0000019318 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: State changed event: 2
0000019319 [net.ifapi] INFO: Netif wl3 link UP, profile=FBIvan1
0000019431 [comm.dtls] INFO: restored session from persisted session data. next_msg_id=32
0000019677 [comm.dtls] INFO: session cmd (CLS,DIS,MOV,LOD,SAV): 2
0000021345 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Skipping HELLO message
0000021534 [hal] INFO: DNS server list changed
0000021542 [net.ifapi] TRACE: Netif wl3 ipv4 configuration changed
0000021621 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000022064 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=33
0000022383 [system] INFO: cloud connected from existing session.
0000022707 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000022822 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/enabled size=44 token= id=34
0000023056 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000023238 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/forced size=44 token= id=35
0000023614 [comm] INFO: Sending TIME request
0000024141 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000024271 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON GET /t size=7 token=d2 id=36
0000024441 [system] INFO: Sending application DESCRIBE
0000024659 [comm.protocol] INFO: Checksum has not changed; not sending application DESCRIBE
0000024912 [system] INFO: Sending subscriptions
0000025017 [comm.protocol] INFO: Checksum has not changed; not sending subscriptions
0000025235 [system] TRACE: Waiting until all handshake messages are processed by the protocol layer
0000025499 [comm.dtls] INFO: session cmd (CLS,DIS,MOV,LOD,SAV): 4
0000025649 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000025772 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=33
0000027764 [comm.coap] TRACE: Retransmitting CoAP message; ID: 35; attempt 1 of 3
0000027955 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000028077 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/forced size=44 token= id=35
0000028577 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000028708 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=35
0000028868 [comm.coap] TRACE: Retransmitting CoAP message; ID: 36; attempt 1 of 3
0000029215 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000029848 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON GET /t size=7 token=d2 id=36
0000030868 [comm.coap] TRACE: Retransmitting CoAP message; ID: 34; attempt 1 of 3
0000031806 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000032492 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/enabled size=44 token= id=34
0000032879 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000033682 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/pending size=47 token=01 id=2151
0000035017 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000035600 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=2151
0000036998 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000037558 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 2.05  size=10 token=d2 id=36
0000038124 [comm.protocol] INFO: Received TIME response: 1695471276
0000039090 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000039752 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=34
0000040556 [system] INFO: All handshake messages have been processed
0000041665 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000042056 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/pending size=47 token=01 id=2151
0000042413 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000042532 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=2151
0000042682 [system] INFO: Cloud connected
0000042853 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000042964 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/pending size=47 token=01 id=2151
0000043175 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000043290 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=2151
0000044621 [comm] INFO: Forcing a cloud ping
0000044878 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000045025 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=37
0000045705 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000045960 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=37
0000049439 [comm] INFO: Forcing a cloud ping
0000049558 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000049698 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=38
0000050120 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000050264 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=38
0000050510 [comm] INFO: Forcing a cloud ping
0000050625 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000050747 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=39
0000051156 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000051273 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=39
0000054351 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: disconnected
0000054475 [ncp.rltk.client] TRACE: NCP connection state changed: 0
0000054601 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP event 2
0000054726 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: State changed event: 0
0000054761 [net.ifapi] INFO: Netif wl3 link DOWN, profile=NONE
0000054768 [net.rltkncp] ERROR: linkOutput up=1 link_up=0
0000054774 [net.ifapi] TRACE: Netif wl3 ipv4 configuration changed
0000054780 [hal] INFO: DNS server list changed
0000054785 [hal] INFO: DNS server list changed
0000054796 [net.rltkncp] ERROR: linkOutput up=1 link_up=0
0000054813 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: Try to connect to ssid: FBIvan1
0000054821 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: is_promisc_enabled
0000054833 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: disconnected
0000054841 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000057523 [net.rltkncp] ERROR: linkOutput up=1 link_up=0
0000058320 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000058458 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000058555 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000058707 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000058832 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000058957 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000059108 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000059234 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000059359 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000059531 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000059654 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000060158 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000060255 [net.rltkncp] ERROR: linkOutput up=1 link_up=0
0000060283 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000060454 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000060579 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000060683 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000060834 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000060966 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000061091 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000061216 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000061341 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000061466 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000061590 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000062650 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000062808 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000062939 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000063009 [net.rltkncp] ERROR: linkOutput up=1 link_up=0
0000063058 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000063189 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000063313 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000063438 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000063563 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000063688 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000063848 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000070186 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: disconnected
0000070589 [comm] INFO: Forcing a cloud ping
0000071146 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000071681 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: Try to connect to ssid: FBIvan1
0000071727 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: is_promisc_enabled
0000071735 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000072164 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=40
0000072321 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: netif_post_sleep_processing TODO
0000076380 [comm.coap] TRACE: Retransmitting CoAP message; ID: 40; attempt 1 of 3
0000078305 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000078976 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=40
0000084829 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000085363 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000085713 [ncp.rltk.client] TRACE: NCP connection state changed: 2
0000085742 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP event 2
0000085746 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: State changed event: 2
0000085747 [net.ifapi] INFO: Netif wl3 link UP, profile=FBIvan1
0000087197 [comm.coap] TRACE: Retransmitting CoAP message; ID: 40; attempt 2 of 3
0000088679 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000089561 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=40
0000090567 [hal] INFO: DNS server list changed
0000090603 [net.ifapi] TRACE: Netif wl3 ipv4 configuration changed
0000101226 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000101484 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=40
0000126628 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000126716 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=41
0000127340 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000127393 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=41
0000152538 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000152658 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=42
0000153055 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000153181 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=42
0000178405 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000178540 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=43
0000179146 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000179540 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=43
0000204907 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000205633 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=44
0000207095 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000207222 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=44
0000213442 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: disconnected
0000213446 [ncp.rltk.client] TRACE: NCP connection state changed: 0
0000213452 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP event 2
0000213456 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: State changed event: 0
0000213461 [net.ifapi] INFO: Netif wl3 link DOWN, profile=NONE
0000213467 [net.rltkncp] ERROR: linkOutput up=1 link_up=0
0000213473 [net.ifapi] TRACE: Netif wl3 ipv4 configuration changed
0000213480 [hal] INFO: DNS server list changed
0000213485 [hal] INFO: DNS server list changed
0000213494 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: Try to connect to ssid: FBIvan1
0000213498 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: is_promisc_enabled
0000213500 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: disconnected
0000213501 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000213796 [net.rltkncp] ERROR: linkOutput up=1 link_up=0
0000213956 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000215448 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000215454 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000215465 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000215563 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000215719 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000215724 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000215729 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000215733 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000215737 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000215841 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000215866 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000215882 [net.rltkncp] ERROR: linkOutput up=1 link_up=0
0000215977 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000216009 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000216014 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000216146 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000217306 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000217310 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000217314 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000217320 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000217394 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000217518 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000217557 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000217682 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000217975 [net.rltkncp] ERROR: linkOutput up=1 link_up=0
0000218109 [comm] INFO: Forcing a cloud ping
0000218205 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000218453 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=45
0000218902 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000219185 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=45
0000219528 [net.rltkncp] ERROR: linkOutput up=1 link_up=0
0000221078 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: disconnected
0000222140 [ncp.rltk.client] INFO: Try to connect to ssid: FBIvan1
0000222159 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: is_promisc_enabled
0000222170 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000222744 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: netif_post_sleep_processing TODO
0000229555 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000229729 [net.lwip_rltk] INFO: get_eap_phase
0000229888 [ncp.rltk.client] TRACE: NCP connection state changed: 2
0000229892 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: NCP event 2
0000229893 [net.rltkncp] TRACE: State changed event: 2
0000229894 [net.ifapi] INFO: Netif wl3 link UP, profile=FBIvan1
0000229904 [comm] INFO: Forcing a cloud ping
0000230150 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000230254 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=46
0000230641 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000230768 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=46
0000231951 [hal] INFO: DNS server list changed
0000231956 [net.ifapi] TRACE: Netif wl3 ipv4 configuration changed
0000231962 [comm] INFO: Forcing a cloud ping
0000236460 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000237370 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=47
0000244177 [comm.coap] TRACE: Retransmitting CoAP message; ID: 47; attempt 1 of 3
0000245537 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000246524 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=47
0000254240 [comm.coap] TRACE: Retransmitting CoAP message; ID: 47; attempt 2 of 3
0000255663 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000256607 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=47
0000266621 [comm.protocol] ERROR: Event loop error 1
0000267450 [system] WARN: Communication loop error, closing cloud socket
0000268712 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnecting
0000269422 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnected
0000270081 [system] INFO: Cloud: connecting
0000270701 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$id.udp.particle.io
0000271639 [system] INFO: Loaded cloud server address and port from session data
0000272697 [system] TRACE: Address type: 1
0000273422 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, family=2, type=2, protocol=17
0000274659 [system] INFO: Cloud socket=0, connecting to
0000275934 [system] TRACE: Cloud socket=0, connected to
0000277179 [system] TRACE: Updating cloud keepalive for AF_INET: 25000 -> 25000
0000278391 [system] TRACE: Applying new keepalive interval now
0000279518 [system] INFO: Cloud socket connected
0000280276 [system] INFO: Starting handshake: presense_announce=0
0000281386 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Establish secure connection
0000282474 [comm.dtls] INFO: session has 0 uses
0000283345 [comm.dtls] INFO: (CMPL,RENEG,NO_SESS,ERR) restoreStatus=0
0000284538 [comm.dtls] INFO: out_ctr 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,63, next_coap_id=2f
0000285673 [comm.dtls] INFO: restored session from persisted session data. next_msg_id=47
0000286734 [comm.dtls] INFO: session cmd (CLS,DIS,MOV,LOD,SAV): 2
0000294488 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Skipping HELLO message
0000294663 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000294806 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=48
0000294988 [system] INFO: cloud connected from existing session.
0000295310 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000295485 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/enabled size=44 token= id=49
0000295782 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000296083 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/forced size=44 token= id=50
0000296317 [system] INFO: Sending application DESCRIBE
0000296490 [comm.protocol] INFO: Checksum has not changed; not sending application DESCRIBE
0000296683 [system] INFO: Sending subscriptions
0000296863 [comm.protocol] INFO: Checksum has not changed; not sending subscriptions
0000297111 [system] TRACE: Waiting until all handshake messages are processed by the protocol layer
0000300053 [comm.coap] TRACE: Retransmitting CoAP message; ID: 48; attempt 1 of 3
0000300273 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000300410 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON 0.00  size=4 token= id=48
0000301225 [comm.coap] TRACE: Retransmitting CoAP message; ID: 50; attempt 1 of 3
0000301587 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000301704 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/forced size=44 token= id=50
0000301915 [comm.coap] TRACE: Retransmitting CoAP message; ID: 49; attempt 1 of 3
0000302166 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000302280 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/enabled size=44 token= id=49
0000302531 [comm.dtls] INFO: session cmd (CLS,DIS,MOV,LOD,SAV): 4
0000302712 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000302833 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=48
0000311417 [comm.coap] TRACE: Retransmitting CoAP message; ID: 49; attempt 2 of 3
0000311739 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000311850 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/enabled size=44 token= id=49
0000313061 [comm.coap] TRACE: Retransmitting CoAP message; ID: 50; attempt 2 of 3
0000314262 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000314825 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/forced size=44 token= id=50
0000315907 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000316247 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=49
0000316884 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000316998 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=50
0000317125 [system] INFO: All handshake messages have been processed
0000317445 [comm.coap] TRACE: Received CoAP message
0000317817 [comm.coap] TRACE: CON POST /E/particle/device/updates/pending size=47 token=01 id=2152
0000318251 [comm.coap] TRACE: Sending CoAP message
0000318368 [comm.coap] TRACE: ACK 0.00  size=4 token= id=2152
0000318676 [system] INFO: Cloud connected

Why is this happening, shouldn't WiFi stay connected?

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