Just wanted to announce here that the requirement of uploading firmware to the Device Management Dashboard for organizations now no longer requires compilation against an old version of system firmware (0.4.1
You can now build against the latest versions of firmware (0.4.7
at the time of writing this) and upload to the dashboard! We know this has been a pain point for many product creators, and are thrilled to allow you to use the latest and greatest firmware when rolling out firmware to product devices via the dashboard.
For context, the reason why we implemented this restriction in the first place was to prevent devices from going into safe mode without being able to recover. This would happen if a device running older system modules would receive application code (user firmware) compiled against a newer version of system modules.
Now that Safe Mode Healer has been released, your devices will be able to seamlessly recover and auto-update to the newest system modules when it enters safe mode. This will enable you to flash any user code to the device without worrying about incompatible system modules, and subsequently upload any user firmware your heart desires to roll out to your devices.
Happy building, and let us know how things are going!