nextWAVE: Wifi-controllable Microwave using the Spark Core

HackIllinois 2014 was my first Hackathon ever, and boy was it an experience. It was a lot of fun, and in 36 hours, our team was able to make something really neat: the nextWAVE.

nextWAVE solves the ‘problem’ of not knowing how long to microwave your food. We built an Android app that allows you to scan barcodes, and look up cook times in a Firebase Database. The app can be launched using an NFC tag. Then, the app can turn on the microwave via wifi using a Spark Core Microcontroller. While your food is cooking, the cook time is displayed on a Pebble Smartwatch App. Finally, when the food is done cooking, it will open itself and play “Funky Town”.

You can view all the source code here and see a video of the working microwave here.

We would like to thank Spark Core for donating Spark Cores to HackIllinois 2014, a 36 hour hackathon that occurred from April 11th to 13th 2014.


Next hackathon project: A robot that can get a frozen pizza from the freezer and put it into the microwave.

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A robot that can make a pizza and put it into the microwave.


This is so great - thank you for sharing @sulaimn2!! We are so happy to have been able to support HackIllinois :smile:


You’re welcome! I can’t believe that our project ended up in HackADay!