It seems there is an issue with the new library update, several verified community libraries are not working on Particle Build (but they do work on Particle Dev.)
For example, when working with Neopixel, it shows this error message now:
lib/neopixel/examples/a-rainbow/a-rainbow.cpp:8:22: Particle.h: No such file or directory
Can anyone point to the solution to this problem? It seems Particle Build tries to also compile the code in /examples, which is unnecessary.
That brings me back to the question I alread asked earlier
The 0.6.2 in the bottom right corner does not tell what version you are targeting but only what version is on your device currently.
Check the target setting in the Devices (cross hair icon) drawer.
Having the same issue, I found this thread and took a closer look at what was going on for myself. My Electron had firmware version 0.4.3 on it. When I tried to upload my firmware which was targeting 0.6.2, my device went into safe mode blinking magenta.
I downloaded the two firmware managers 0.5.3 and 0.6.0, using one then the other. This got my loaded base firmware to 0.6.0. I changed my firmware target in the IDE to 0.6.0 and downloaded the firmware for my program.
Testing now but it appears to have solved the missing library issue.