I am occasionally seeing a magenta flash with 4 seconds on and 4 seconds off - much like a go slow during flashing. The OTA flash has started and acknowledged on console. Usually this fails to finish and the watchdog kicks in and restarts the photon. Running 0.8.0-RC.11. Any idea what is causing this?
I have not heard of that – have you tried putting the device into Safe mode and flashing it then?
I’ve seen this on rare occasions during an OTA where the update seems to “dribble” in bits instead of a steady stream. Clearing the cache on the Web IDE and retrying always made the issue go away. I am assuming your device is not trying to upgrade the DeviceOS when you saw this.
@ParticleD @peekay123 Thanks - it seems to be related to a poor wifi network/signal strength. I will reload the WebIDE if it happens again. I haven’t seen the problem with the other network I have.
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