Is there an example of how to integrate an M-SoM (in my case, the M404) and the power module (PMBATH1TY) similar to this one below?
Thank you!
Is there an example of how to integrate an M-SoM (in my case, the M404) and the power module (PMBATH1TY) similar to this one below?
Thank you!
There is not, though the M-SoM does work with the first board example if you have a 2A USB power supply.
The M.2 breakout board will likely be the reference design for using the power module with the M-SoM.
Can we use the Muon’s design, and will the schematics be made public?
Also, is it possible to easily remove/not populate the Ethernet chip for projects that don’t require it?
I'm not sure if the Muon design will be open-source. There will be a schematic graphic at least.
There will not be multiple SKUs with various parts removed. Looking at it, the W5500 appears to be on the bottom and not under a shield, but I'm not sure what would happen if you removed it, software-wise, because it's not expected to be removed.
Hi, is there a reference design/schematics for this?
Or anything one can use as a start point for an M-SoM carrier?
The M.2 breakout board design files have not been released. It's likely, but not definite, that they will be in the future, however.