Many many many people have asked the question:
“When will Spark release an open source version of the Spark Cloud that can be run locally?”
To which our reply has been “As soon as we can”. Given the repeated requests for a better answer, today the team discussed and agreed on a timeline for preparing and releasing this much-asked-for feature.
Answer: Summer 2014. A beta release earlier in the summer followed by a stable release toward the end.
We recognize how important this feature is both for our incredible community and for Spark as a company, and we REALLY want to get it right;
- so it’s super easy to use,
- so it nails the most common use cases,
- so it’s architected in a way were we can easily take community contributions,
- and of course so it fits our business model and strategic plans.
As we know more about anything related to this feature, we’ll post here.