Local flashing via usb without tokens

We have devices at a test lab for in country approvals.
Is there a way for the test lab to load firmware locally onto a device via usb without needing tokens?
They tried installing Particle CLI and doing a "particle flash --local" but it gives an error relating to tokens.
Looking for a simple way to do this due to language barriers, and we will have to do in country testing in many more countries going forward.

My guess is that the token is needed to download the Device OS binaries. The easiest solution is to use a single account with no devices for this. Create the account, then use particle token create to create a non-expiring token. Then have them use this token to particle login --token which only needs to be done once.

Will this require an internet connection? The first test lab is in China and may have issues accessing internet locations.
If so are there any offline solutions?

Because the Device OS binaries are not stored in the CLI, they do need to be downloaded, which can potentially be an issue.

One of the commonly used solutions if devices need to be flashed by a manufacturing partner is to use SWD/JTAG and a .hex file. The hex file can contain your user firmware, as well as Device OS, the bootloader, and on nRF52 the SoftDevice. Also, many 3rd-party manufacturers are familiar with SWD and already have the tools available on their lines.