Possible to use use Photon out of the cloud

I really like the Photon, and the ability to flash firmware over the air. I am curious if Particle has any plans on making a way that we can be totally disconnected to its cloud severs, and still update via wi-fi.
I.E. local compile and flash directly over our wi-fi network, without any connection to their servers to do it.


You need a server to handle the OTA protocol etc. So the option is either to use your own locally setup :cloud: or the :particle: :cloud:.

Can you explain more of your use-case and the need for this feature?

I know we live in a connected world and all. But I am not fond of using products that rely on a service that is out of my control. Should that service ever go by-by I would be put at a disadvantage for my products. It just makes me nervous.
Imagine waking up tomorrow and the Particle site is gone, they closed shop overnight. This is why I am currently focusing my energy to compiling locally, and flashing via DFU. I just like to plan it safe.

Having said this, it would make it nice to be able to flash over my wifi, rather than pressing the buttons all the time to put it in DFU mode. If Particle could say add a feature in the particle firmware which it had its own FTP server on the device itself where we could upload the .bin file, and when it detected a new file upload it would flash itself that would eliminate the need for the server. - Just a thought


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To clarify, you can use OTA via the Particle cloud but have your own code completely independent of the cloud.
You can also have wired update without the need to press any buttons, either by entering DFU or Listening Mode by code or via "magic baudrates" on the USB Serial.
And there are projects that do updates via SD card which can be updated via FTP.


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