Loading document symbols for ... never completes

I have a problem where the Outline pane in Visual Studio Code says “Loading document symbols for <my code file> …” and never completes.

Google searching has old reports of this but then it was fixed. Some reports that other extensions can cause this, but I’m running very few extensions. In fact I think they all came in the default install from Particle.

Is anyone else seeing this? Any hints on how to force the Outline pane to complete?

I’m running VSC 1.40.2 on OS X Catalina.

I did find this, not sure if it applies, but suggests disabling C/C++ Intellisense. Unfortunately Particle extensions depend on this one.

I am not a VSE expert, so I don’t know if this really applies or not.

can you try the troubleshooting steps detailed here?

fwiw, the Outline pane should work when using more recent versions of the Device OS (e.g. deviceOS@1.4.4)