Issue compiling particle-som-gnss lib for muon dev board w/M404 msom

Just received Muon dev board with M404 msom. Current installed OS is 5.9.0 from tinker download. Saw note from rickkas that we could include particle-som-gnss lib to get GPS info on muon. 'When I compile it, I get an error stating the need for OS 5.8.2 or above. Inside particle workbench, when I use the OS dropdown I only see OS 5.8.0 that supports msom. How would I get OS 5.8.2 or above installed in workbench that supports msom?

You have to allow pre-releases. You probably just want to wait until the update for the DeviceOS integrates the GNSS integrated feature.

Docs - Enabling Pre-releases

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Thanks. After enabling the pre-releases, I was able to compile with the correct OS version.

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