Is the console down?

Does anyone else have problems with the console at the moment`?

@electronweather, works for me here in Canada.

Works fine for me here in Florida.

My device is working but often Diagnostics is failing…

@electronweather, could be your device’s connection or your user firmware. What device are you using?

Electron, my programm is working fine, Device is also connected to the cloud and I can flash code OTA

Firmware: 1.0.1

I just ran some diagnostics on some mesh and non-mesh devices without any problems. I found Chrome to be weird at time and so I either refresh the console page or close the Chrome, flush the cache then re-open again. I run win10x64.

Okay, I have updated the browser and now it’s working :slight_smile:

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I’m currently getting a 404 for and most of my devices have “Unavailable” instead of the firmware selection.

Could the two "issues" be related?

I expect so. I sent a PM and a minute later everything seems to be working again.

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the delay on responding to this. I do believe the issue was actually likely related to the one @ScruffR referenced.

Do let us know if you continue to notice any issues.

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@mstanley, I started having this issue again this morning starting about 9:30AM Eastern. For backround, we have a two servers at my office running two instances of node red. Each instance is running a different version of the node-red-contrib-particle SSE node. Each instance is subscribing to multiple electron publications. Looking at the node-red console logs, only the instance running the latest version of node-red-contrib-particle SSE node is generating the 429 Too Many Requests error. Is this error related to our difficulties. I have remote sites subscribing to SSE that get this error but not as frequently and they continue to work.

Even though I can’t access the console right now my SSE subscriptions using the older version are coming through. If I log out of and try to log back in I’ll most likely be unable to and get a message to contact support.

If I disconnect from my local network with tied to a public ip and connect using a different network, i.e xfinity access point or my cell phone I can once again get to the console.

I’m also having issues with a web-app that subscribes to multiple devices events, I’ve sometimes gotten 429 errors, other times the requests to the API just hang indefinitely. When there are hanging requests, all requests made from the console also hang indefinitely until the original pending requests are cancelled.

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the updates. Continued investigation has lead to an intermittent issue being uncovered. Please refer to our current status page for ongoing information on this issue.

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At last! :slight_smile:

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We’ve increased the rate limits as a workaround and we are working on a permanent fix to get back the previous performance level of the API as it relates to simultaneous connections.

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