How to run .fseq file in argon/boron for ws2812b RGB color patterns

Hello everyone,

I need help for my RGB led project, I am using argon/boron and ws2812b led strip in project.

For color pattern i am using Xlight software which generate .fseq file format. It's work in esp32 using "FSEQLib" which is made for particular work for esp32 and SD card.

But i want work that .fseq file in argon/boron. I am searching library regarding that .fseq file supported in particle but i couldn't found that.

So, please anyone know how can i run that .fseq file in argon/boron for ws2812b or any RGB led or any library that run this .fseq file format in argon/boron for rgb color pattern let me know.


From a quick glance it looks like the Arduino library in the Github will work with minimal modifications, if any.

You'll need to follow the instructions for Workbench pseudo libraries to add the Github source to your Workbench project. You'll also need to add the SdFat library for the SD card and the neopixel library to access the WS2812B strip.

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