How to add new library to web ide?

i am trying to use TFT_ILI9163C tft lcd with electron so how to add this library to web ide
I’m already done with arduino UNO board using this display

For now, you need to use the Particle CLI to upload new library code so it is available to the web ide.

Once you have the CLI installed, use particle library create, move code into the newly created folder structure, and then particle library upload. At this point you have a private copy of the library on the web ide to use and test. When you think it is ready to share use particle library publish.

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Have you tried this library?

thank u ScruffR

i used this library it worked but some points are remaining i think

some part of lcd is not updating because of library (there are two versions of lcd, red pcb one & black pcb one) the said library works fine for red one (i’m using black one)
i faced similar problem with arduino board as like this guy

so uncommented macro #define 144_BLACK_PCB//128x128

change the pcb from red pcb to black pcb in settings file (Documents–> Arduino --> library --> TFT_ILI9163C -->settings file)

it was done.

is there option available for particle library


what function to be used to set font size of characters

thanks cermark,

uploaded the library

\Users\viraj\Downloads\TFT_ILI9163C>particle library upload
▀ Uploading library TFT_ILI9163C> Library TFT_ILI9163C was successfully uploaded.
Add it to your project with particle library add TFT_ILI9163C

i got this at cli

but when trying to add this library to project (as done for already available libraries) in web ide,
library is not listing

If you uploaded that library it will show up in the top section “My Libraries” for you and not in the “Community Libraries” list.

And before you perform particle library publish your lib will only be visible to the account you used to upload.

ok my library contain some included header .h files in it how to
add those .h files to it

Don’t quite get the question :confused:

You’d just put these .h files into the src folder along side your main .h file and the .cpp file.

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5 posts were split to a new topic: How can I use/port the TMC stepper driver library?