How long does SIM reactivation take?

How long does SIM reactivation take? I am reactivating some old deactivated SIM cards. On Particle I see “Status: Updating. Please check back later.” It has been this way for maybe 2 hours already. Is this an indication that there is some error?

(I am on a bit of a tight deadline, so I need them to reactivate soon!)

SIM Activations/Deactivations are multi-step processes involving communications between Particle and several telephony partners in charge of SIM management. When an Activation/Deactivation request comes in via our API, we direct it to hit a partner endpoint and await a success response.

However, from time to time, this response exceeds the timeout window - occasionally even by orders of magnitude (eg. 24 hours!). This is because the Activation or Deactivation request is currently enqueued for execution by our telephony partner. In some instances, on high-traffic days, this can lead to delays. When this happens, the Console places a SIM in the “updating” state.

Some things to note:

  1. Activation/Deactivation requests almost always go through to our MVNO partners the first time you hit “Activate” or “Deactivate”, they just might be waiting in a queue.

  2. This process may take up to 24 hours in certain cases. If an Activation/Deactivation request does not report a success immediately, try again in a few hours.

  3. If you are working with a Product SIM, please manually attempt to re-import the SIM after your first attempt. If this fails, please wait up to 24 hours and try again.

If it’s been longer than 24 hours and you still are unable to Activate or Deactivate your SIM, please go ahead and open a support ticket ( referencing your SIM’s ICCID.