How can i unclaime device?

Hi l. I m working for andoid sdk and i have 2 spark core. In my example andriod app i cretae a user and claim my 2 device with him. But i cant unclaime this devices. For that reason i cannot acces my devices. How can i unclaime this devices. I cant remember my test user’s password. For that reason cannot login with test user and unclaime devices. Can i reset device key with dfu?

Hi. I create a company dashboard account and write a program use android api. I claim my 2 device over this application with test user. But now icant unclaim this device. On my dashboard, this devices shows under Products tab. But when i try claim this device with it says “This device is already owned by a different user” i know i can unclaim devices over particle CLI but this test user’s not have a valid email and password. like basbdba@asda.asd. i can unclaim one device but another device cannot be unclaimed. How can i recover this device.

Hi @bora_sayiner

I think this one will have to be handled by @Dave or someone similar from Particle.

Do you have the device ID of the device claimed by the bogus email address? You are going to need that.

Yes i have. I have two device’s Device ID.