How can I check if a Core is claimed by someone else?

Hi there,

we have several cores in our lab and we lend them to students sometimes. Is there an easy way to check if a core is claimed by someone else?

Hi @fabianmoronzirfas

You could use the “devices” end-point in the cloud API and see if one is missing:



    "id": "1234567890abcdef",
    "name": "corename1",
    "last_app": null,
    "last_heard": null,
    "connected": false
    "id": "2345678901abcdef",
    "name": "corename2",
    "last_app": null,
    "last_heard": null,
    "connected": false

It would be easy to write a script or a web page to check this returned data.

[EDIT] The Spark team also has some exciting new features coming soon for classroom and device creator situations like this.


I would keep an internal list of the cores and core device ids your lab owns. If anyone tries to claim a core that is already claimed to you we will email you if they want us to unclaim it so they can claim it asking you for permission. Also, @bko’s suggedtion is a good one.

Thanks for your suggestions.

@bko: But wouldn't that mean the Lab has to claim all the cores?

I think it's better for our students to run through the whole process of claiming and so on.

@harrisonhjones: Yes. I should create a list of all the device IDs. But same thing here. I tend to keep them unclaimd.

[EDIT] The Spark team also has some exciting new features coming soon for classroom and device creator situations like this.

I'm looking forward to this. :slight_smile:

The Spark team also has some exciting new features coming soon for classroom and device creator situations like this.

@harrisonhjones any development in that area? I could need some way to setup several photon boards (around 20) for a classroom situation. I also would go for an unstable beta approach. :wink: