Looks like the spark team did a super job on the firmware. I just got around building the core-firmware source locally and installed all the dev tools. Great instruction and awesome code! Congrats!
Can someone give me a hint on what do I need to do to build my own spark apps locally? Like the ones I build using the web IDE?
Also, can someone point me to a map of the Spark Source? I am looking for a way to hack the spark not need to connect to the spark cloud to run my user app but do connect to WiFi.
Although for building locally, the plugin sounds great. I would love to know how to this directly with make. Is there information somewhere on how to do our own local builds directly with make that result in an uploadable binary?
Thanks… I think there’s something I am missing… Sorry I am a newbie…
I had downloaded all the tools and where able to compile the firmware without a problem. Now… If I am to compile my own code (my INO files) the ones I use on the cloud IDE, do I have to recompile the whole firmware again? If yes… Where would my setup() and mainloop be for my code? What file will the user would have to be?