Hook: Your Entry to Smart Home

Hey everybody,
Sorry to necro this old thread, but it seems like the natural place to continue discussion about the now defunct Hook Smart Home Hub and its, presumably, still viable Particle P1, 433MHz transmitter, and 433MHz receiver.

For anyone who doesn’t know, this commercial device worked nicely as a WiFi bridge for 433MHz devices for a few years. Sadly, due to its cloud based infrastructure, functions began to stop working from 2019-2020 and then in March of 2020 they finally shut off the lights because they couldn’t afford to maintain their servers. Along the way there were promises of providing an update allowing the devices to function locally, open sourcing their firmware and software so the community could take over, and finally just providing “Particle tokens” for devices upon request. Sadly, none of this ever came to pass. It appeared that their email servers were defunct before anyone had a chance to request their “Particle token”, as everyone reported that their request email delivery failed and no one has reported any response from the company. The only remaining website is the Hook Wiki.

I am one of the owners of this defunct device, and today I connected to it with the Particle app. I can see that it is identified as a P1. Under Variables “(String) Hook_BUILD04122017_V6_1” is listed. It looks like I have the option to flash the Tinker Firmware and it also looks like I have the option to “Unclaim Device” (text in red) in the settings. Does this mean I have control over the device, and not the Hook team?

Obviously I’m new to Particle, but I’d like to learn and find out if there is a way for myself and other Hook Smart Home Hub owners to reclaim these devices and use them for something similar to what we bought them for.

I’ve attempted to do my due diligence by searching the forums for information relevant to 433MHz and the Hook device itself.

Obviously, from here I have a long way to go, as a total noob to Particle, but I’d like to learn as I get time. So, I have a couple of questions:

  • Is there anything which may prevent me from proceeding that I’m not taking into account, like the device being locked to the Hook team? Is there a way I can verify whether I am the owner or them?

  • Is there a similar project, already completed or in work, that I just missed, and if so, can you please point me to it?

I’m thankful for any help, direction, or advice anyone here can provide, and I’m sure other owners of the Hook Smart Home Hub will be as well.