So I went out to test if glass hurt the RF signal. Xenon and Argon in jam jars. When I got to the location I wanted to set a base line and didn't want to walk too far so I used a Xenon and Argon without Mesh Antenna. Should get about 300 m.
But today Thinking about Antennas tend to be about 1/4 the wavelength. I did some math. Velocity = Wavelength x frequency.
or Wavelength = Velocity (Light) /Fequency = 3.00e+8 m/s / 2.4 1e+9 1/s = 0.125 m about 13 cm or 5 inches So the perfect antenna should be about 3 cm or about an inch.
Looking at the Mesh/Wifi antennas they have a wire but the antenna part is about an inch, well so is the Argon and Xenon about an inch long. So to get my base line I set them up both vertically and started walking. HOLLY SMOKE at 600 m I came to a slight curve, so I never did find the full distance.
MOUNT YOUR MESH DEVICES VERTICALLY to get the most of the internal antenna!
I finally had to position the devices for the worst range to just be able to test the glass, which seemed to have no effect on the distance.
I think this is worth it's own topic.