I am not really very good at giving up.
I tried the Ethernet Featherwing at home and realized that it was not being used at all for installing the OS update that was all from my phone using Wfif and Bluetooth. However the Featherwing worked great at home. The Xenon connected to it and was very stable.
However at home the mesh stuff was not very good. Worked a bit better but did not last more than about 10 seconds of connectivity.
At school a different story. The Ehternet Featherwing does not work. The internet connectivity is a bit more complex, However, VERY STRANGE: Everything works fine at school!
I can connect the Argon to Wifi, I can connect several Xenons to the Argon. If I disconnect the Argon all the Xenons stay connected (AND COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER WITHOUT THE ARGON!). I can reset a Xenon and it will reconnect without shutting down the other devices.
I can go mobile with the Xenons, each Xenon about 25 meters from the other for a total distance down the halls of about 75 meters using 3 Xenons.
Looking good from school, not so good from home.
Really good Mesh Hello World code at