I would really like to request that Particle stays open to the idea of free, larger than 10 mesh networks for Developers and Educators. 30 Mesh devices at $10 per month ($120.00 per year) does not seem like much for a large business, but for a hobby Developer it might be an issue.
I think there are lots of Developers who would like to work with between 10 and 50 Mesh devices. I am are not talking about 24/7 running networks, more proof of concept, such as my farm suggestion at Ratio of mesh-only (Xenon) to internet-enabled boards (Argon, Boron). Test that the system works and then dismantle it and build something else.
Just saying that in my opinion the backbone of the Particle devices is the forum and the multitude of excellent Developers who spend hours of there time solving problems for others: such as @ScruffR, @peekay123, @bko, @Moors7, @nrobinson2000, @timx and many others. If these people want to work with more than 10 Mesh devices perhaps their should be a way to make that possible.