Ratio of mesh-only (Xenon) to internet-enabled boards (Argon, Boron)


Basic question: What do you think is going to be a range of x in meters (whatever unit, just label it!) between Xenons.

I have used the Wifi Photon outside of my house and know that it’s Wifi connection maximum range can some days be only about 20 meters (~65 feet), others days I can walk a fair distance lets say 60 meters (~200 feet) from my house and still have a solid Wifi connection without the duck Antennae.

Other users have posted between 75 feet and 400 feet with Antennae Particle Photon Max WiFi Range which seems comparable, remembering that Antennae use and Antennae settings come into play.

I am interested in X (blue arrow) in the diagram below, for the obvious reason of it would influence how many devices would be able to monitor a farmers field for various sensor readings and actuator settings.

I am guessing 10 meters (~30 feet) would be a working reliable value for X, and the multiple rows should increase the reliability. Any opinions? This would be a good experiment when the new devices come out. If the actually number is only 3 meters (10 feet) for reliable mesh operation that would be very valuable for developers to know.

In the image below the green boxes are Xenons (Mesh and Bluetooth only) and the Red boxes are Argons (Wifi, Mesh and Bluetooth).