High School Robotics Course using the Particle.io Mesh Devices Blog

My Samsung S8 with an excellent camera only worked within 4 inches of the device. For both of my students who tried scanning without success, moving farther back did not help. @ninjatill idea about the micro setting is something I will try.

So still at school and am trying my Ethernet Featherwing with a fresh Argon. Seems to be installing the software, but yesterday I could not get any farther, probably the same issue with the wifi login.

So everything installed but now it is frozen on this screen

To bad because the featherwing could have solved all my school connectivity issues.

On reboot of the app it is trying to connect to the internet, however this step should be really fast not several minutes. I will have to try this again at home as my school network may have some security hoops to jump through unlike on home network.

Interesting point here, that while the Argon is trying to connect to the internet it seems to ignore the 3 second push on the Mode button to switch back to setup mode. I had to disconnect the Ethernet cable before I could reset the Argon.

Here is a link to a little request I have that fit a different topic