"error": "Timed out."

I had everything running fine - had a small php script to get the spark variable from the device.

But off late, I get a lot of these errors when I try a GET request.

Status Code: 408 - Request Timeout 
  "error": "Timed out."

A note of interest is that I often get a “error: core not found - make sure it’s online” on the first flash - it works if I hit the flash button again right after.

The core is happily breathing cyan meanwhile.

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@kidrock can you please share both the code that you’ve flashed on the Core and the GET request that you’re making?

This is the code - Used the library port for the DHT sensor.

#define MAXTIMINGS 85

#define cli noInterrupts
#define sei interrupts

#define DHT11 11
#define DHT22 22
#define DHT21 21
#define AM2301 21

#define NAN 999999

class DHT {
        uint8_t data[6];
        uint8_t _pin, _type, _count;
        bool read(void);
        unsigned long _lastreadtime;
        bool firstreading;
        DHT(uint8_t pin, uint8_t type, uint8_t count=6);
        void begin(void);
        float readTemperature(bool S=false);
        float convertCtoF(float);
        float readHumidity(void);


DHT::DHT(uint8_t pin, uint8_t type, uint8_t count) {
    _pin = pin;
    _type = type;
    _count = count;
    firstreading = true;

void DHT::begin(void) {
    // set up the pins!
    pinMode(_pin, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(_pin, HIGH);
    _lastreadtime = 0;

//boolean S == Scale.  True == Farenheit; False == Celcius
float DHT::readTemperature(bool S) {
    float _f;
    if (read()) {
        switch (_type) {
            case DHT11:
                _f = data[2];
                    _f = convertCtoF(_f);
                return _f;
            case DHT22:
            case DHT21:
                _f = data[2] & 0x7F;
                _f *= 256;
                _f += data[3];
                _f /= 10;
                if (data[2] & 0x80)
                    _f *= -1;
                    _f = convertCtoF(_f);
                return _f;
    return NAN;

float DHT::convertCtoF(float c) {
    return c * 9 / 5 + 32;

float DHT::readHumidity(void) {
    float _f;
    if (read()) {
        switch (_type) {
            case DHT11:
                _f = data[0];
                return _f;
            case DHT22:
            case DHT21:
                _f = data[0];
                _f *= 256;
                _f += data[1];
                _f /= 10;
                return _f;
    return NAN;

bool DHT::read(void) {
    uint8_t laststate = HIGH;
    uint8_t counter = 0;
    uint8_t j = 0, i;
    unsigned long currenttime;
    // pull the pin high and wait 250 milliseconds
    digitalWrite(_pin, HIGH);
    currenttime = millis();
    if (currenttime < _lastreadtime) {
        // ie there was a rollover
        _lastreadtime = 0;
    if (!firstreading && ((currenttime - _lastreadtime) < 2000)) {
        //delay(2000 - (currenttime - _lastreadtime));
        return true; // return last correct measurement
    firstreading = false;
    Serial.print("Currtime: "); Serial.print(currenttime);
    Serial.print(" Lasttime: "); Serial.print(_lastreadtime);
    _lastreadtime = millis();
    data[0] = data[1] = data[2] = data[3] = data[4] = 0;
    // now pull it low for ~20 milliseconds
    pinMode(_pin, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(_pin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(_pin, HIGH);
    pinMode(_pin, INPUT);
    // read in timings
    for ( i=0; i< MAXTIMINGS; i++) {
        counter = 0;
        while (digitalRead(_pin) == laststate) {
            if (counter == 255)
        laststate = digitalRead(_pin);
        if (counter == 255)
        // ignore first 3 transitions
        if ((i >= 4) && (i%2 == 0)) {
            // shove each bit into the storage bytes
            data[j/8] <<= 1;
            if (counter > _count)
                data[j/8] |= 1;

    // check we read 40 bits and that the checksum matches
    if ((j >= 40) &&  (data[4] == ((data[0] + data[1] + data[2] + data[3]) & 0xFF)))
        return true;
    return false;

#define DHTPIN D2    // Digital pin D2
#define DHTTYPE DHT22


float h;    // humidity
float t;    // temperature
int f = 0;  // failed?
char Temp[5];
char Humid[5];
//char out[20];

void setup() {
 // out[0] ='\0';
  Spark.variable("Temp", Temp, STRING);
  Spark.variable("Humid", Humid, STRING);
//  Spark.variable("out", &out, STRING);
  pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
    f = 0;
    h = dht.readHumidity();
    Serial.print("Humidity: ");
    t = dht.readTemperature();
    Serial.print("Temp: ");
    if (t==NAN || h==NAN)
        f = 1;
        f = 0;
    sprintf(Temp, "%f", t);
    sprintf(Humid, "%f",h);
   // sprintf(out, "%f:%f",t,h);
    // if (f==1)
    // digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);
    // else
    // digitalWrite(D7, LOW);

The get request is https://api.spark.io/v1/devices/48ff72065067555026242287/Humid?access_token=xxxxx

I have sent you a PM as well.

Interesting - I had this working for all of 10 minutes before it started giving timeouts. Several flashes and edits later and I am still having trouble! Also tried renewing the access token.

Now getting an error 400 on flash attempt. Maybe the system is just having a hiccup.

Alright… so I got it working again, and now it’s failing again. The difference was in my sprintf statements.


sprintf(output, "{ temperature:%.2f, humidity:%.2f, fail:%i }", t, h, f);


sprintf(output, " %.2f", t);

Try using only 1 variable, or removing the colons in the string… does that change anything? I’ll be back for testing in a few hours.

Yep, only one variable worked for 2 days.
But I needed to get both values with one GET call to add to a database. That is when the issues started.
I tried it with colons, no colons, just spaces letters, but I guess there could be some issue with using two variables with the sprintf.

Yeah, that’s pretty strange. As inconvenient as it might be, could we work around this by making 2 GET calls instead of 1? I’m having a fair bit of trouble getting strings to place nicely… https://community.spark.io/t/strings-variable-types-manipulation-and-printing-how/1296

I did a lot of playing around trying to make it possible to return multiple variables in one string… and at the end of it all I determined that any string larger than 9 characters will cause your request to time out and your core to drop off the cloud. See here: