I am currently having some troubles flashing to the Spark Core from the Spark Web IDE. I flash the code and it goes for about a minute saying:
Flashing code...if it does not flash magenta, verify your code and try again.
Then it comes up with:
Request Timed Out
Flash unsuccessful.
I have tried setting my Spark Core back to blue (Listening For WI-FI Credentials) and reconnecting it my account… Multiple Times. I still didn’t work. The same thing recently happened to me where it was coming up with the Request Time Out error, and it turned out to be my code. So I tried one of the Spark Example programs (Blink An LED) and it came up with the same error.
It is coming up with all these errors even though by Spark Core is breathing Cyan.
Was anything changed? Maybe you can email hello[at]spark.io with your account user name as well as the core id to see if there’s anything weird with the cloud service.
@kennethlimcp & @harrisonhjones, it turned out the code on my Spark Core was causing the Spark to go into infinite loop. I had to factory reset my Spark Core then upload the Blink Program to see if it works. Thanks for all your help!
@kennethlimcp, I am having the same proble as @Ricky, my core times out without flashing. The core is present in the cli with the command. It is also present in the web IDE with a breathing cyan light. I have tried different code but still no flash. I dont think anything has changed apart from renewing the keys.
I then set up my son’s lap top with spark Dev and tried to flash a USB connected core from there and from the web IDE. It would not flash.
I’ve had a similar problem compiling with Spark Dev. Attempts to compile a program with Spark Dev kept timing out, no other error message. It turned out to be that a library I had added to the program was not in the same folder as the program. I had my Arduino IDE hat on, so placed it under the library folder.
I was not getting an error message that the .h file could not be found. Just a time out on the compile. I’ve had other program errors result in timeout, rather than an error message. Its very tough to debug code when that happens.
I have been having the identical problem. However the factory reset failed to go White and many other threads say AVOID factory reset. Any other suggestions?