Electron won't flash user application code

I’m having some trouble flashing two electrons with my app code. I’ve used the particle workbench plugin for compiling and flashing. Whenever I put the electron in DFU mode and flash it appears to flash correctly but doesn’t as the old code is present.

Strangely whenever I compile and flash for debug the app code does flash correctly.

The OS version on both boards is 1.5.2.
For context before I tried flashing my app code I used the web IDE update the device OS from 0.5.x to 1.5.2.

Any idead on why this might be happening?

Many thanks

After flashing for debug to run application code again you need to flash the application and deviceOS.

This can be done with:

Particle: Flash application & DeviceOS (local)

That was it thank you!

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