Electron - COAP - thethings.io

I want to use the Electron with the COAP protocol to visualize some data on thethings.io. Has anyone used already COAP together with thethings.io? Which library should I use? Any examples available to get started? I tried the following program, but it doesn’t work.

#include "coap.h"

// CoAP client response callback
void callback_response(CoapPacket &packet, IPAddress ip, int port);
Coap coap;

// CoAP client response callback
void callback_response(CoapPacket &packet, IPAddress ip, int port) {
    Serial.println("[Coap Response got]");

    char p[packet.payloadlen + 1];
    memcpy(p, packet.payload, packet.payloadlen);
    p[packet.payloadlen] = NULL;


void setup() {

    // client response callback.
    // this endpoint is single callback.
    Serial.println("Setup Response Callback");

    // start coap server/client

void loop() {
    Serial.println("Send Request");
    int msgid = coap.put(IPAddress(104, 199, 85, 211), 5683, "/v2/things/{mytoken}, "{\"values\":[{\"key\":\"C1\",\"value\":\"1\"}]}");

All info is welcome.


Did you get any further with using the community supplied coap library? It didn’t compile for me either, and am wondering if it is “worth the effort” of digging in to rectify.

I have not got a use case for it, just experimenting.

No. I solved it in another way.