Electron antennas?

Thanks for this link.

How do I determine which antenna will give a better reception/ singal strength in an area with low signal strength? My application is on a mobile sensor switch working in woodland away from towns, sending a particle publish or sms(3rd party sim) when status of the switch changes. My Phone (a Motorola x1580 on the same network) easily gets reception but the particle electron using the standardTaloglas antenna does not. Would using a ufl to sma connector and a small (omnidirectional) antenna such as that the supplied antenna?Would something like a stubby 2g/3g antenna such as http://au.rs-online.com/web/p/products/9026812/ or http://www.taoglas.com/product/tg-22-2g3g-cellular-connector-mount-monopole-smam/ offer a more reliable connection / obtain and matian connection better than the supplied http://www.taoglas.com/product/pc104-2g3g-fr4-pcb-antenna/ if not what sort of antenna would ensure reliable connectivity?
