I think we can all agree that the current state of the docs is not ideal, for anybody. The elites know what’s going on and are up to date due to their active roles. A lot of other people don’t know what they’re doing, due to a lack of proper documentation. I must really praise the elites for being so helpful, and patient with everybody on the forum, they help out where and whenever they can!
And even if most of the commits come from the elites, so what? They know whats up, and create documentation accordingly. Most of them have been following the Spark since the very beginning, and thus know a lot more about it than ‘normal’ users. Besides that, they really spend A LOT of their time on the Spark. It therefor only seems logical that someone who knows the product better, spends more time on it, and is more experienced makes more contributions as a ‘normal’ user would.
But to recap; you’d like to have a wiki where validated users (you mentioned a login) could upload their documentation, which would then be added for everyone to use.
Isn’t that similar to the setup we’ve got right now. As it stands, everybody can contribute by writing up their own docs, and then submit them to Github. They are then proofread by the nice ies, after which they can be published.
The only difference I can see is that with a wiki, the Spark team wouldn’t validate the submissions beforehand. Personally I think it’s wise to let them check it, since they’re the people who built the thing, and therefor should know it inside out. This is in contrast to ‘normal’ people, who can only pull the information out of their experiences with it. I’m not saying that’s worse, but a lot of confusion might be prevented if you’d let Spark check it before publishing. If they have to do so afterwards, there could be some confusion due to possible inaccurate information on said wiki.
If anybody wants to help out and write additional documentation, there wil be one very important thing they’d have to do. This would be “actually writing it”. The only difference would be where you’d upload it; Github vs Wiki.
At the moment it sounds like you really want to push through on creating a wiki. At the moment that would only make a bigger mess since information would get spread to two sources, one being ‘officially supported’, one being community based. If you want Spark to check that as well, it would only create an additional workload.
So yeah, I’m not too fond of the current docs as they are, but I’m not sure if a wiki would be the answer either.