Data Visulation for Customers and Node-Red

Hello everyone! I have fallen in love with Particle’s products. Such a great lineup.
Today I am needing some insight as to what software i might use to get my product to market.

Correct me if my flow is wrong.
Particle Device > Particles IoT Rules Engine (Node Red) > (A Dashboard UI for customers individually).

I am needing Node Red to pass data onto a data visualization platform that is opensource. That will allow me to setup customers and build there dashboards. I love Thingsboard. But the open source version doesn’t look commercially friendly. Am I wrong? I am also worried about IoT Rules Engine communicating with Thingsboard.

Each customer should have their own private unique dashboard for their installation.

If you awesome people have any ideas. I am all ears.

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Have you given Losant a try?

I love Losant. But we are really wanting something Open Source. Any ideas?
Will Particle potentially dive into the Interface Layer of IoT?

Can the IoT Rules Engine Support Multiple Customers Dashboards easily and natively?