I have always had trouble utilizing the “remote” aspect of the tracker-edge firmware library in Github.
Often I would have a ton of duplication in my initial commit for any project using tracker-edge code.
Below I walk you through the steps I used to set up a remote repository of the Tracker Edge Firmware, such that I only saw diffs of my own changes, not of boiler plate code from the tacker-edge repository: GitHub - particle-iot/tracker-edge: Particle Tracker reference application.
Step 1:
Create a new personal repository.
Step 2:
Don’t do anything with the personal repository, simply leave it here at this step.
Step 3:
Copy the SSH information for the Particle Tracker Edge Firmware.
I opted to stick with the release/v18 branch which is the latest release firmware.
Step 4:
Open GitHub Desktop (program) and clone the tracker-edge repository.
Here is what you will see after you clone the repository in GitHub desktop.
Step 6:
Change the repository settings to create a new remote.
This is the empty personal repository we made earlier.
Enter the SSH details of the blank personal repository created earlier.
View of the personal repository in GitHub Desktop.
View of personal repository with Tracker One code linked.
View of current branches in personal repository.
Step 7:
Create a new branch in the personal repository. I called my new branch “main”.
Step 8:
Change the default branch of the repository from release/v18 to main on GitHub website.
This is the detail of change default branch dialogue box.
This is the confirmation step required to update the default branch.
Step 9:
Delete the files downloaded for GitHub Desktop to reference tracker-edge firmware. They are no longer needed.
Step 10:
Pull the SSH info from your personal repository, init the tracker edge firmware, and begin pushing changes! You’ll find that the diffs only contain your changes instead of including all the boiler plate code from the tracker-edge repository.