Create Mesh with 3rd Party SIM and no FeatherWing

Is it possible to set up the mesh network with a Boron and a couple of Xenons using the Particle mobile app and then flash the Boron with firmware that uses the 3rd party SIM card?

We tried this and the Boron rapidly flashes green, never connecting. The Boron worked with the 3rd party SIM card when it was operating as a standalone device.

Yes, as long as the Boron can connect using the Particle SIM card.

  • If you want to use the Boron standalone you can just configure it using the 3rd-party SIM card instructions.
  • If you want to use the Boron with mesh and are able to use the Particle SIM, you can do set it up using the Particle SIM and the mobile apps, then switch to a 3rd-party SIM card later.
    • If you already configured it as a 3rd-party SIM standalone device, you need to switch it back to using the SIM_INTERNAL first
    • Don’t forget to deactivate your Particle SIM after switching to the 3rd-party SIM.
  • If you want to use the Boron with mesh and are not able to use the Particle SIM, for example if you have a Boron LTE and you’re not in the United States, you need to use the Ethernet FeatherWing workaround at this time.
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We got the Boron and two other Xenons set up through the Particle SIM card using the mobile app.

If I put the Boron in listening mode while its trying to connect and run particle serial identify -v from CLI, no modem IMEI or SIM ICCID is listed even though we have 0.9.0 on the Boron - only device ID and firmware version are listed.

I deactivated the Particle SIM card after already attempting to connect with the 3rd party SIM card in the Boron - was I too late?