I'm getting webhook errors in the Events tab, showing repeat attempts to execute webhooks -- including some that I pause. Seems to go on for days even after updating the webhook (with no changes). I also noted that in Integrations, the errors don't show up and I am getting the webhooks to my server.
Doesn't seem to cause a problem, but the Events page is full of retries by particle-internal that do not seem to be real.
Do you have a webhook in more than one location? For example, if you have one in the integrations tab in your sandbox, and also one in your product, if a device is claimed to your account, both webhooks will execute.
Also, the event name is a prefix, not an exact match, so if you have two webhooks, test and test2, the test event hook will fire for both.
Some of my confusion was because there is two different integration areas: Sandbox and Product(s), but only one "Events" page that seems to show all events for either Sandbox or Product(s). I believe that is accurate, but of course just getting into the integrations.
There are two events tabs as well. One at the top level of the sandbox, and one if you go into the product first.
And for a product device claimed to your account, many events will appear in both.
If you have a product event integration, the hook-sent, hook-received, etc. events will only appear in the product event log, not the user event log, since those events are not directly associated with a device, they're associated with a product integration.