i have problems when i want to setup my photon. i already used it but it lost its wifi connection.
but resetup it seem a little bit of a problem.
on my smartphone i get these error. after running the setup for some second it says setup failed.
i´m 100% sure that the password is corret.
after that i try to setup the device via usb and the CLI.
but i got these error:
2017/03/14 19:27:51 particle: Adding dependencies...
2017/03/14 19:28:12 done
2017/03/14 19:28:12 particle: Installing plugins...
2017/03/14 19:30:07 done
2017/03/14 19:30:08 Updating CLI...
2017/03/14 19:30:10 no plugins to update.
2017/03/14 18:30:58 TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined
at C:\Users\Jan\AppData\Local\particle\node_modules\particle-cli\commands\WirelessCommand\index.js:175:17
at Array.filter (native)
at networks [as __networks] (C:\Users\Jan\AppData\Local\particle\node_modules\particle-cli\commands\WirelessCommand\index.js:173:36)
at C:\Users\Jan\AppData\Local\particle\node_modules\node-wifiscanner2\lib\netsh.js:63:9
at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:204:7)
at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:172:7)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:821:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:211:5)
the i tried to reflash the device via the commands in DFU:
particle flash --factory tinker
particle flash --usb cc3000
particle flash --usb tinker
but nothing help…
can somebody tell me what to do now?
thank you very much!!
Have you tried the solution in this thread?
thanks for your reply!
tried it now with particle serial wifi. the wifi setup seems to work but now the device led blinks rapdily cyan and then red.
Have you tried the solution in this thread?
yes but it leads me to the next error message
particle keys doctor MYKEY
Found DFU device 2b04:d006
Found DFU device 2b04:d006
Error creating keys... Error: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "openssl genrsa -out MYKEY_rsa_new.pem 1024"
Der Befehl "openssl" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Make sure your device is in DFU mode (blinking yellow), and that your computer is online.
Error - Error: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "openssl genrsa -out MYKEY_rsa_new.pem 1024"
Der Befehl "openssl" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden werden.
its in german but says "the command openssl is wrong or cant be found"
installed openssl 64bit serveral times new but nothing happend
Your OpenSSL installation needs to be part of your system PATH.
But if that doesn’t help, you can uninstall everything related to CLI again and use the official CLI installer for Windows which also bundles all required dependencies
thanks for your hint! uninstalled everything and reinstalled with the setup file. but the command
particle keys doctor MYKEY
brings the same error message as obove.
even tried to setup the cli tool on ubuntu and mac but that brings even more errors when setting up
Can you directly run openssl
from cmd
set PATH
and see if OpenSSL appears in there
Unfortunately no success…
Have you opened a new terminal window (or rebooted the system) after you re-installed CLI?
Your PATH screenshot didn’t show any sign of an OpenSSL installation.
Did you have the OpenSSL checkbox ticked in the installer?
BTW, that PATH looks somewhat “interesting” with all these curly braces and JSON like entries.
rebooted, installed the setup as admin and checked everyting.
i´m a bit helpless now
if you say so just a normal win 10 x64 pro running on my notebook
If you can locate the OpenSSL install path, you can manually add that path via “Systemsteuerung - System - Erweiterte Systemeinstellungen - Umgebungsvariablen …” too.
the setup installed openssl to C:\OpenSSL-Win32\
added it but returned with the same error the openssl is not found
i think i done it! added the path at the wrong place
after running the command particle keys doctor MYKEY the device is pulsing cyan now
Where have you added it?
In PATH (e.g. as first item)?
I just saw your update: As I thought
WOW thank you so much!! the device is now back online even with the original name it got after the first installation. i dont understand why it had a problem with the wifi but anyways after countless hours its back online…
can you explain me what the key command does?
These commands ensure that the cloud and device use the same encryption keys to communicate with and the cloud can be certain that a message from an alleged device ID was actually issued by that device.