Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined

I have two photon devices. I have “doctored” them… now when I serial wifi and scan for networks I get…

Error configuring Wi-Fi: Cannot read property ‘toLowerCase’ of undefined

If I don’t scan and manually enter it doesn’t give the error.

If I attempt to connect to a WPA2 enterprise / radius SSID it authenticates, connects then I get the RED SOS flashing followed by 10 blinks (Assertion error). Now what?


What do you mean by “doctored”?

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I want to echo @Mjones here - do you mean particle device doctor?

Do you get Error configuring Wi-Fi: Cannot read property ‘toLowerCase’ of undefined this error upon submitting particle serial wifi or upon selecting a network? I assume it’s the former, yes?

I suspect WPA2 Enterprise may be the issue here. @ParticleD, have you seen Assertion errors thrown in this context?

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Wow I have never seen that error.

I’m surprised you’re able to connect to a WPA2 Enterprise network at all (the Photon has some issues with it that we have not yet been able to sort out).

Are you saying that the Photon gets to breathing cyan on the WPA2-E network for a little while, and then it SOSs? What code is running on it? I would try connecting while in Safe mode.

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