For some reason I can’t post in the Troubleshooting category, so I’m asking here.
I’m trying to get my Argon connected but It doesn’t work. The app gets to 'You’ve successfully paired Argon", then errors out with “Device is in invalid state, please reset the device and start again”.
Particle CLI setup exits without an error immediately:
$ particle setup --verbose --yes
_ __ _ _ _
| '_ \ __ _ _ __| |_(_) ___| | ___
| |_) |/ _` | '__| __| |/ __| |/ _ \
| __/| (_| | | | |_| | (__| | __/
|_| \__,_|_| \__|_|\___|_|\___|
> Setup is easy! Let's get started...
> It appears as though you are already logged in as
! PROTIP: Hold the MODE/SETUP button on your device until it blinks blue!
! PROTIP: Please make sure you are connected to the internet.
Setting up WiFi over serial gets it only to green blinking state:
$ particle serial wifi
? Should I scan for nearby Wi-Fi networks? Yes
? Select the Wi-Fi network with which you wish to connect your device: 99 problems but WiFi ain't one
? Should I try to auto-detect the wireless security type? Yes
? Wi-Fi Password [my password]
Done! Your device should now restart.
Inspect gives me:
Platform: 12 - Argon
Bootloader module #0 - version 1005, main location, 49152 bytes max size
Integrity: PASS
Address Range: PASS
Platform: PASS
Dependencies: PASS
System module #1 - version 2101, main location, 671744 bytes max size
Integrity: PASS
Address Range: PASS
Platform: PASS
Dependencies: PASS
Bootloader module #0 - version 1005
Radio stack module #0 - version 202
User module #1 - version 6, main location, 131072 bytes max size
UUID: 1871648BCFBDF974D55B2EAE3C1D03377B0D9B1066B49A2C87474529AFDF86B9
Integrity: PASS
Address Range: PASS
Platform: PASS
Dependencies: PASS
System module #1 - version 2101
Radio stack module #0 - version 202, main location, 192512 bytes max size
Integrity: PASS
Address Range: PASS
Platform: PASS
Dependencies: PASS
And identify gives me:
$ particle serial identify
Your device id is e00xxxxxxxxxx
Your system firmware version is 2.1.0
Here’s some additional information. here’s some additional information about this issue. I flashed the cloud-debug FW and here is the output I’m getting:
Serial monitor opened successfully:
> 0000001595 [] TRACE: > AT
0000002595 [] TRACE: > AT
0000003595 [] TRACE: > AT
0000004595 [] TRACE: > AT
0000005595 [] TRACE: > AT
0000006595 [] TRACE: > AT
0000007595 [] TRACE: > AT
0000008595 [] TRACE: > AT
0000009595 [] TRACE: > AT
0000010596 [] TRACE: > AT
0000011596 [hal] ERROR: No response from NCP
0000011596 [net.esp32ncp] TRACE: NCP event 3
0000011596 [net.esp32ncp] TRACE: NCP power state changed: IF_POWER_STATE_DOWN
0000011597 [system.nm] TRACE: Interface 4 power state changed: 1
0000011597 [net.esp32ncp] TRACE: Failed to initialize ESP32 NCP client: -210
0000011597 [net.esp32ncp] TRACE: NCP event 3
0000011598 [net.esp32ncp] TRACE: NCP power state changed: IF_POWER_STATE_POWERING_DOWN
0000011598 [system.nm] TRACE: Interface 4 power state changed: 3
0000011598 [net.esp32ncp] TRACE: NCP event 3
0000011599 [net.esp32ncp] TRACE: NCP power state changed: IF_POWER_STATE_DOWN
0000011599 [system.nm] TRACE: Interface 4 power state changed: 1
0000011599 [hal] TRACE: Deinit modem serial.
0000011600 [net.esp32ncp] TRACE: NCP event 3
0000011600 [net.esp32ncp] TRACE: NCP power state changed: IF_POWER_STATE_POWERING_UP
0000011601 [system.nm] TRACE: Interface 4 power state changed: 4
0000012901 [] TRACE: > AT
0000013901 [] TRACE: > AT
0000014901 [] TRACE: > AT
0000015313 [app] INFO: Starting Tests!
0000015313 [app] INFO: Platform: Argon
0000015313 [app] INFO: Binary compiled for: 1.5.2
0000015314 [app] INFO: Cloud Debug Release 1.5.3
0000015314 [app] INFO: System version: 2.1.0
0000015315 [app] INFO: Device ID: e00fce681a3a50ab12319002
0000015315 [app] INFO: USB power: true, Battery Volage: 4.36
0000015316 [app] INFO: This device could have Ethernet (is 3rd generation)
0000015317 [app] INFO: FEATURE_ETHERNET_DETECTION not enabled, so Ethernet will not be used (even i
0000015327 [app] INFO: Configured credentials:
0000015329 [app] INFO: ssid=99 problems but WiFi ain't one security=wpa2 cipher=AES or TKIP
0000015330 [app] INFO: Available access points:
0000015901 [] TRACE: > AT
0000016901 [] TRACE: > AT
0000017901 [] TRACE: > AT
0000018901 [] TRACE: > AT
0000019901 [] TRACE: > AT
0000020901 [] TRACE: > AT
0000021901 [] TRACE: > AT
0000022901 [hal] ERROR: No response from NCP
0000022901 [net.esp32ncp] TRACE: NCP event 3
0000022901 [net.esp32ncp] TRACE: NCP power state changed: IF_POWER_STATE_DOWN
0000022902 [system.nm] TRACE: Interface 4 power state changed: 1
0000022902 [app] INFO: Connecting to Wi-Fi
0000022903 [system.listen] INFO: Entering listening mode
0000032902 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to Wi-Fi 00:10
0000042902 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to Wi-Fi 00:20
0000052902 [app] INFO: Still trying to connect to Wi-Fi 00:30