Build IDE Lost Code

In the process of adding a library, the code for my current project disappeared. It was saved to the cloud and is currently on my device.

@Dave, is there anything you can do?

@rbryan, are you using the same mail address for Particle Build as you are using for this forum?
If not, can you PM your mail address?


Hi All,

Apologies for the very late reply, I haven’t had a chance to respond to my private messages until today. Are you still hoping to recover this project? There’s a chance I might be able to recover it, but I’ll need the date it was deleted (April 16th?), and the name of the project. It’s likely at this point I’d only be able to hit the backup from that week, or the week previous, so some changes might be missing.


Its fine. I have already replaced the code.

Sorry about that! I’ll share your experience with our team in hopes that we can make this easier down the road.



This just happened to me, is there a fix for it as it has reverted back a few days worth of work.

The most recent code would have been the 22nd of Feb

Any help would be appreciated as I wanted to make progress tonight :confused:

Submit a support request with the name of the app, your account email, and the date of the code you’re looking for. It can’t always be recovered, but sometimes it can.